
The Keeshond is friendly and devoted to its family.  It has excellent hearing, an outgoing personality, and usually adapts well with other pets and children.  This breed responds to consistent, gentle training, and should be socialized from an early age to prevent shyness later in life.  It is important not to over feed Keeshonds, as they can gain weight easily.

KHOriginally bred as a companion and watchdog on boats and barges that traveled the rivers and canals in Holland during the 17th and 18th centuries, the Keeshond is a companion dog today. They are intelligent, lively, and alert and love to people around their people.

Though they will bark when strangers approach, the loving nature of this dog makes them an unstable watchdog. They are not an outside dog – they enjoy spending time with their family too much to be alone for long periods of time. Keeshonds will want to join in on all the family activities and make an excellent family companion.

Major Health Concerns: The Keeshond is a relatively healthy breed with no major health concerns.  However, they can have Canine Hip Dysplasia (a hip condition that often leads to acute lameness and arthritis), epilepsy (a condition characterized by seizures), and various skin problems.

Interesting Fact: Before the breed became famous for politics, you would have found them serving as barge dogs on vessels on the Rhine River, which flows through Germany and the Netherlands.

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Please click here to find out more about our DNA My Dog Breed Test.

We also offer the Mars Wisdom Panel test which may include breeds not covered by the DNA My Dog test. Please click here for more information about the Mars Wisdom Panel 2.0 Dog Breed Identification Test

The Basset Hounds are family orientated and do not like being left behind. They are a gentle breed with one of the more comical aesthetics making them a good family pet.

One for the explorers, the Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier is an excitable breed that loves going for walks, however, best to socialise them with cats and other dogs at a young age to avoid confrontation.

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