Genetic Reconstruction Test
Price: $605
Testing: Child, Mother and 2 paternal relatives or child and 3 paternal relatives
Timeframe: 7 working days from receipt of sample at our office.
The purpose of a genetic reconstruction test is to determine whether or not an alleged father is the biological father of a child without directly testing his DNA. In this type of test, testing of the alleged father’s relatives is necessary in order to confirm or exclude paternity. Our genetic reconstruction test is available starting from $605. Results are ready in 7 working days from receipt of samples at the laboratory.
Reconstruction Testing Including the Mother
In order to perform a standard reconstruction DNA test you need to collect DNA samples from the child, the biological mother, and at least 2 close, biological family members of the father. “Closely related” is defined as being either one of the alleged father’s parents, or a brother or sister. After DNA is collected and sent for testing, all of the markers are examined in the laboratory to determine whether the alleged father’s blood relatives share common DNA with the child.
Reconstruction Testing Without the Mother
If the biological mother is not available, the test can still be performed. However, in this case, we will need 3 blood relatives of the alleged father to provide samples for the test. Having these samples helps ensure that the test results are accurate and provide the necessary information.
What Makes this Test Possible?
The reason that DNA of relatives can be used is due to the hereditary nature of DNA; people who are closely related tend to share many of the same genetic markers. If the child and his or her alleged paternal relatives share no common DNA, we can conclude that the untested, alleged father is not the biological father of the child.
Alternative Options to Genetic Reconstruction
The first option to consider if you wish to establish the paternity of a child is a paternity test. This test entails directly testing samples from the alleged father and from the child. Samples are typically collected using mouth swabs but if you are unable to collect mouth swab samples from the father, you can try and provide other samples such as finger nails, a toothbrush, hairs or semen. For a full list of samples, click here.
Another option is a grandparent’s test which will require that you include samples from both paternal grandmother and paternal grandfather. We can then compare the DNA from both grandparents to the DNA of their grandchild. We cannot carry out the test if we only have the sample of just one grandparent. Click here for more information.
Avuncular testing is another option in which we compare the DNA of one of the alleged father’s siblings to the DNA of their nephew or niece. In avuncular testing it is particularly important to include the sample of the mother to get a more conclusive result. Click here for more information.