DNA Testing for Intracranial Aneurysm
Genetic health testing is a physician ordered test in the USA. The physician in question will need to authorise the testing to go ahead by signing the consent forms which we provide inside our sample collection kit.
Aneurysm refers to the condition whereby the pressure of blood that flows through a weakened blood vessel wall causes the area to bulge outwards. Although rare, this bulge can sometimes rupture, which very often results in fatality. Affecting almost any part of the body, an aneurysm is commonly categorised as either intracranial or aortic, which refers to those that develop inside the brain and aorta respectively. A ruptured intracranial aneurysm will result in death within one month in approximately 50% of cases, whilst it is estimated that as many as 85% of people who experience a ruptured aortic aneurysm will die irrespective of hospital treatment. The risk of suffering a ruptured intracranial aneurysm is estimated to be no higher than 0.5% in any given year. Aortic aneurysms account for around 8,000 deaths in the UK each year, whilst intracranial aneurysms cause some 1,400 deaths.
Genetic predisposition DNA testing for aneurysm is essential for accurate screening and understanding of the condition. Because most aneurysms remain undetected until they press on other organs or cause specific symptoms, including rupture, it is important to identify those who are most at risk of suffering from them. Whilst environmental factors such as smoking, cocaine use and high blood pressure are common causes of the condition, a genetic predisposition to aneurysm has been established through research. In fact, a person whose first-degree relative has had an aortic aneurysm will have a 20% chance of developing the condition (as compared to 1-3% in the population), whilst an increased risk of 4.2 % has been observed in respect to intracranial aneurysm.
For support and more information about aneurysm, please visit the Mayoclinic website, a website providing support and information for aneurysm patients and their families.
Genetic Health Testing and The FDA – Important Note
Genetic health testing is a physician ordered test in the USA. The physician in question will need to authorise the testing to go ahead by signing the consent forms which we provide inside our sample collection kit. IBDNA can only offer this test if ordered by your physician and the kit will be send directly to them.
Speak To International Biosciences About DNA Testing Genetic Predisposition for Aneurysm
International Biosciences provide Genetic Predisposition testing to determine your genetic predisposition for important health conditions including cancers, cardiovascular conditions, diabetes and obesity. Knowing which genetic disorders and diseases you are at risk from will allow you to plan to reduce it by making lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise. Contact International Biosciences on 1-800-987-923 or click here to email us.
International Biosciences does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should consult your doctor or health professional if you have questions regarding any medical condition, before starting any new treatment, and before stopping any treatment that has been prescribed for you. Your use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Genetic Predisposition Terms & Conditions, General Terms & Conditions and Terms of Use.